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New Bachelor's program Arts Management at JAM MUSIC LAB PRIVATE UNIVERSITY

JAM Music Lab Private University is now offering a new bachelor's degree program aimed at training leaders in the Culture, Media, and Entertainment industry (CME).

In corporate communication, brand development, as well as in diplomacy, there is an increasing emphasis on art and culture as effective communication tools. JAM Music Lab Private University (JMLU) has responded by developing a program in Arts Management that addresses the rapidly changing requirements of this industry. The six-semester program integrates theoretical foundations, practical skills, and hands-on projects to prepare graduates for international careers.

International Networking and Collaborations

The Arts Management of the future faces the challenges that future developments in cultural management are digital, globally oriented, and highly knowledge-intensive. The university's international networking enables close collaboration with technology developers, cultural event organizers, and the CME industry. The program places particular emphasis on the intersection of technology and art, culture, and communication. It is globally oriented, providing graduates with access to international career opportunities at the intersection of culture, technology, and creativity through partnerships with institutions in China, the Middle East, and the USA.

The Four Focus Areas of the Curriculum

The curriculum of the Arts Management program at JMLU focuses on the following four areas:

  1. "Thought Leadership": This focus provides insights into various areas of cultural production, including popular music, visual arts, and media arts, offering a solid cultural studies education to promote qualified communication and exchange. This meets the growing demand for expertise in this field.

  2. Digital Culture: Working conditions, financing, and business models in the arts and culture sector, intellectual property rights, and modern publishing are essential knowledge in the practice of Arts Management.

  3. Technology: Due to rapid technological development, the program continuously adjusts qualifications, focus areas, and projects. This includes technology foresight, roadmapping, trend reports, and building interfaces with developers. In the field of digital culture, the XR industry, consisting of VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality), is rapidly evolving. Streaming technologies, new exhibition formats in the Metaverse, and blockchain-based artworks (NFTs), along with their effectiveness, are discussed.

  4. International Orientation: Globalization remains relevant in the arts, culture, and communication industry. Therefore, knowledge of cultural-economic reference areas for international project management is emphasized, with a focus on case-study-based learning.

You can find more about the curiculum here.

Authored on November 21st, 2023