Grants & Scholarships

The JAM GRANT Scholarship


Our goal is to foster exceptional talents and support the professional development of future careers. We place particular emphasis on identifying potential and further developing it through targeted measures.

JAM Grants

When applying for admission, you can also submit an application for a JAM scholarship. The prerequisite is outstanding artistic and musical performance, and the complete submission of documents to the Student Service Center (mailto:

There are two types of scholarships awarded by the JAM Music Lab University per semester:

  • JAM Grant (25%)
  • GRAND JAM Grant (50%)

Deadlines, Commission & Criteria for JAM Grants

The scholarship commission meets twice in the lead-up to a semester. For the winter semester 2024, the submission deadlines are:

  • June 15, 2024
  • August 15, 2024

The JAM Grant and the GRAND JAM Grant are awarded for the entire standard period of study. If the standard period of study is exceeded, the regular tuition fees as contractually agreed upon will apply. There is an annual review of the academic progress of scholarship holders by the scholarship commission. Scholarships can be revoked due to deteriorated academic performance or serious violations of the house rules.

Application Documents for JAM Grants

To submit a complete application, the following documents must be submitted in a ZIP file to by the deadlines mentioned above:

  1. Audio and Video Recordings: Uncut videos with 2-3 significant musical performances by the applicant (preferably recordings of a live performance; professional video quality is not required, mobile phone recordings are sufficient).
  2. Composers and Media Musicians: Must submit appropriate work samples (scores, videos, work and concept descriptions, portfolio, etc.) with at least three original musical works.
  3. Detailed Resume: Clearly outlining the musical career, including detailed information about musical education (school and private lessons, self-taught learning, informal skills, etc.).
  4. Certificates and Qualifications: All documents (if available) that certify artistic and musical qualifications should be provided.
  5. Motivation Letter: Describing the interests and goals regarding the intended studies at JMLU and stating the reasons why you qualify for a merit-based scholarship.
  6. Letters of Recommendation/References: From teachers, colleagues, organizers, employers, etc.
  7. Concerts, Competitions, Events, Recordings: Programs, announcements, information about participation in musical competitions, festivals, masterclasses, or other relevant events. Certificates, placements, or recognitions can be included. Also, a listing of relevant audio productions in which you have participated.
  8. Self-Evaluation: A questionnaire reflecting self-assessment in various artistic areas and serving as a basis for the admission interview. Note: The evaluation form will be provided later. Applicants can currently apply without this form.

Summary of Key Points for JAM Grants

  • Submission deadlines: June 15 & August 15 for the winter semester 2024/25.
  • Eligible are all individuals with a complete and thus active enrollment in a study program at JMLU.
  • Applications are only valid if they are submitted completely and formally correctly.
  • Submit applications to the Student Service Center:
  • Notification of the application outcome will be provided exclusively in writing by the Student Service Center.

Scholarship Extension Application

For all students with an existing scholarship agreement up to and including the academic year 2023/24, the agreed criteria apply. Existing contractual relationships and agreements will not be interfered with.

An extension application is possible for students of JAM Music Lab Private University of Jazz and Popular Music Vienna (JMLU) if they:

  • Have a grade point average of at least 1.5 in zkF (Module 1)
  • Have a grade point average of at least 2 in all other subjects
  • Meet the required number of ECTS points as per the study plan
  • Already hold a JAM MUSIC LAB scholarship

Submission deadline for the extension application:

  • May 15 (for the winter semester)
  • December 15 (for the summer semester)
  • Duration: Two semesters

Amount of the extended scholarship: Maximum up to the current scholarship amount. Due to the transition phase of our scholarship system, we grant a grace period of one week for the current submission deadline on May 15 (until May 22, 2024).


The application must be submitted as a zip file named "Lastname_Scholarship_JMLU" to the Student Service Center ( and must include:

  • A motivation letter providing information about the uniqueness of your artistic work, personal background in relation to artistic creation, and artistic and personal development (at least 3,000 characters).
  • An audiovisual presentation of the applicant's personality and artistic performance (not older than six months).
  • A current transcript of records.
  • The completed and signed extension application form.

You can find the extension application form as a PDF here: Extension Application.

For questions or clarifications, we are happy to assist you:

Special Scholarships

Other special scholarships (100%) will be published here when the submission deadlines are announced. All students can apply for these two scholarships, even if they are already enrolled. The respective submission conditions apply for these special scholarships.

  • Ö1 Jazz Scholarship
  • Planet Festival Scholarship

Merit Scholarship

Merit scholarships recognize outstanding academic performance. The funds are provided by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

The merit scholarship ranges from a minimum of 750 Euros to a maximum of 3,600 Euros. The exact amount is determined after all documents have been received and based on the available funds.

Eligible applicants are regular students of JMLU with exam performances from the previous academic year from the following status groups:

  • EEA citizens (including Swiss citizens)
  • Third-country nationals
  • Stateless persons
  • Convention refugees

The call for applications with detailed requirements for the merit scholarship is published annually in September. Once information is available, it will be posted on the website.

External Funding and Assistance

Students of JAM Music Lab University can apply for financial support externally.

A general overview of funding opportunities can be found here:

Bachelor’s or Master’s students can apply for Austrian student aid. Detailed information is available on the Student Aid Office website:

All Bachelor’s or Master’s students are automatically members of the Austrian Student Union (ÖH). The ÖH offers various advisory services and financial support from the ÖH Social Fund. Details can be found here: ÖH Social Fund.

The Austrian funding system is complex and difficult to summarize. Each application involves many different factors and must be evaluated case by case. We recommend applying for each respective funding opportunity, even if you are unsure whether your application meets the criteria. The Austrian Student Aid Authority ( reviews each application individually and can assist you with advice at any time.

If you would like to get information in advance, we are happy to assist:


For questions regarding the scholarship system and any other questions you may have before your studies, please contact

We look forward to your message!