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Interpretation of jazz and jazz-related styles in large ensembles - Mike Applebaum - Day 1

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Gasometer B, Guglgasse 8
1110 Vienna

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Workshop within the framework of ERASMUS+ in cooperation with “Conservatorio L. D’Annunzio” in Pescara

Workshop open to all instruments

20th of February 2020 14:00 – 17:00 (Studio B, Gasometer C)

21st of February 2020 13:00 – 16:00 and 17:00 – 19:00 (Studio B, Gasometer C)

Performing in a large jazz ensemble, whether it be a big band or a studio orchestra, is essential for developing the student’s ability to correctly interpret the various styles required of the jazz genre and its (by now) related musical styles. This experience prepares the aspiring professional for the jobs he will have to face in the work environment.

The repertoire will be drawn from typical large ensemble arrangements that will include: standards in the traditional swing style; Afro-Cuban; rock; pop. Once the instrumentation for the master class has been established, students may even try out their own arrangements, especially to see if their writing properly conveys the requisites of the piece’s genre. In today’s musical market it is absolutely necessary for the aspiring professional to gain experience in a wide stylistic range.

The course will cover technical and musical topics inherent in the various musical styles presented, such as the correct interpretive language, articulations, swing, jazz slurring, the correct accentuation of the phrases, etc. There will also be opportunities for improvisation and relative rhythm section accompanying.

No preset standard instrumentation is required of the participants. Instrumentalists of all types and vocalists are invited. The arrangements utilized are for big band and symphonic jazz ensembles, but every attempt will be made to include everyone who wants to participate.
