Special Interest Groups
University Representation
All matters of representation work at the individual universities are handled by the local university representation of the respective universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of education and private universities.
It represents your concerns to JMLU. It negotiates with the rectorate and sends student representatives to the highest university body, the senate. There, it participates in various university design processes, such as the design of the curricula.
The last election of the ÖH University Representation was held on Mai 12, 2023, currently the following representatives are in office:
- chairwoman: Elena Lipa
- 1. deputy: Tobias Hofer
- 2. deputy: Vivian Frey
- 3. deputy: Kristina Saputo
Please contact them under oeh@jammusiclab.com
Commission for Diversity, Equality and the Advancement of Women
The Senate of JMLU is setting up the Commission for Diversity, Equality and Gender and is electing its members: two representatives from the teaching staff and one representative from the administration staff; two members of the student body who are appointed by the Students’ Union. At least 50% of the commission’s members must be women.
The task of the commission is to combat discrimination based on on the basis of gender, disability, ethnicity, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation, and to advise the members and bodies of the university in these matters. Furthermore, the commission shall develop plans to make visible and promote diversity at the university.
Members of the Commission for Diversity, Equality and the Advancement of Women:
- Madeleine Kaindl (student)
- Yu-Chun Huang (lecturer)
- Danny Grissett (lecturer)
- Patrick Meerwald (Administration)
Contact: diversity[at]jammusiclab.com
"Ombudsstelle" (Ombudsperson's office)
The ombudsperson's office is a confidential point of contact especially for the topics of harassment, bullying, discrimination or interpersonal conflicts or if problems could not have been solved by consulting other offices resp. representatives.
Please feel free to contact our ombudsperson's office in case of any problems or conflicts. All representatives will be happy to help:
- Ombudsperson
Peter Gabis (Tutor), gabis@jammusiclab.com
- Ombudsperson
Manon Reinwald, Head of Marketing, manon.reinwald@jammusiclab.com
- Gender Equality Officer (Women's Representative)
Elke Withalm, Assistant to CEOs & Human Resources, withalm@jammusiclab.com
- Ombudsperson for students with disabilities
Claudia Randles, International Office & Student Services, claudia.randles@jammusiclab.com, +43 1 375 2020 - 18