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Austrian composition competition "Jugend komponiert 2022" - workshop with Richard Graf

For the 11th time, the nationwide composition competition "Jugend komponiert 2022" will take place under the proven direction of Richard Graf.

This project is organized by the Austrian Composers Association  together with Musik der Jugend/prima la musica and the Aspekte Festival in Salzburg.
Young people between the ages of 10 and 18 present their creative potential through their compositions. In the run-up to the event, a jury of experts will select from the submitted works those that will be performed at the Aspekte Festival in order to determine the final prize-winners. 

Beforehand, there is the opportunity to optimize these works in a workshop. For this purpose, the finalists were invited to the JAM MUSIC LAB Private University on 29 January 2022 to "fine-tune" their compositions in a workshop together with Maria Gstättner-Heckel (composer, bassoonist and improviser) and Richard Graf (composer and Vice Rector of JAM MUSIC LAB Private University). The 3 professional musicians Petra Seidl (bassoon), Andras Gergely Gerhardt (trumpet) and Karin Küstner (accordion) joined them live from Linz and Salzburg via video conference. The premiere of the works will take place on March 19, 2022 as part of the Aspekte Festival, where the prize winners will also be selected. We can already assume that we will be hearing a lot more from the young composers.

Authored on February 2nd, 2022